Scarlett, G., Naudeau, S., Salonius-Pasternack D., and Ponte, I. (2004). Children's Play. Thousand Oaks: Sage. Scarlett, G., Ponte I., Singh, J. (2009). Approaches to Behavior and Classroom Management: Integrating Discipline and Care. Thousand Oaks: Sage. Jacobs, D., Ponte, I., Wang, L. (2010). Home to Homeland: What Adoptive Families Need to Know Before Making a Return Trip to China: Yeong and Yeong Book Company.

Selected Articles
  • Ponte, I., Kuh, L., & Chau, C. (Under Review). Play behaviors before and after a natural playground installation in an early childhood setting. Environment and Behavior.

  • Ponte, I., Rothbaum, F., & Chau, C. (Under Review). Preschool teachers beliefs about behavior management in Beijing, Tokyo, and Boston. Developmental Psychology.

  • Chau, C. (2010). YouTube as a participatory culture. In Youth as Media Creators, a special edition of New Directions for Youth Development, Vol. 128.

  • Chau, C. (2009). A review of A New Literacies Sampler by Knobel and Lankshear. E-Learning and Digital Media, 6(4), 422-423.

  • Rothbaum, F., Nagaoka, R., Ponte, I. (2006), Caregiver Sensitivity in Cultural Context: Japanese and U.S. Teachers Beliefs About Anticipating and Responding to Children's Needs, Journal of Research in Childhood Education. Vol. 21. No. 1.

  • Bers, M., Ponte, I. (2002) Teachers as Designers: Integrating Robotics in Early Childhood Education, AACE 123-145.

  • Ponte, I., Wang, L., Fan, S. (2010). Returning to China: The Experience of Adopted Chinese Children and their Parents. Adoption Quarterly. Vol. 13. No. 2.

  • Ponte, I. (2006) Supporting Ethnic Identity of Children Adopted from China. China Connection, Families with Chinese Children, Vol. 6.