Fang Lee

Research Intern

Fang Lee is currently a senior at Mount Holyoke majoring in Sociology and Economics. Her interest in adoption from China and Chinese adoptees is both personal and professional. She was adopted from China at the age of five and has two sisters also adopted from China. She was featured in the award-winning documentary "Somewhere Between" and is the current President of Yunnan Kids International, a non-profit that serves orphaned children from her province. She has also worked as a project coordinator and translator for non-profits such as Love Without Boundaries. Fang is fluent in Mandarin and English, and returns to China at least once a year. Along with Dr. Iris Ponte and Dr. Leslie Wang, Fang is working on the Chinese Birth Parent Search Study. She assists in collecting and analyzing qualitative interview data that focuses on the process of searching for birth parents; the experience of making and sustaining contact with birth families, and the outcomes of such contact for internationally adopted Chinese children.